Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Reading in Cyberspace

Books can be more accessible as Google Book Search has been added to the tools of Google. The relationship between this tool on google with the publishers is it wouldn't be the very best. Google would be getting more credit and and the publishers might not earn that much any more because of this. In the future, Yahoo and Microsoft will respond to this new feature by adding their own type of book search to their site. Both companies don't want to lose their viewers so they must try and keep up with the new features added to each search engine website. With this new feature, finding books couldn't be easier. All the information we need on the book we are searching for will all be on Google Book Search. I think that this feature is a really good idea as we can access the information and content of the book all through online. We don't really need to go to the library anymore as where we can just search it up on Google Book Search and there we will have all the information that is needed.


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